Dynamic Praxis has been a name given to the efforts of three people to help folks create worker-centered organizations and offer learning and consultation to those who need it. Now, it’s the name I give to my various projects and endeavors to do the same.
Things I can definitely support:
I volunteer when I feel a situation calls for it, or I can afford it. Otherwise, I offer a sliding scale for paid work. I’m generous and (unfortunately) I also have to pay rent and all that. If you need help, I’ll usually find some way to make it work. I've made a commitment to a healthier and more just future through ongoing independent, and interdependent projects.
Things I can definitely support:
- Start up documentation needed for 501(c)3, or c(4) organizations
- Advice regarding choosing amongst the many forms of incorporation (or not)
- Advice regarding considerations of young organizations
- Advice regarding organizational governance/ management from an egalitarian perspective
- Ways to create and incentivize worker self-direction
- Documentation of bylaws and worker-owner agreements
- Systems advice and organizational work flow mapping
- Development analysis and recommendations for organizations/ businesses with budgets
- Creation of administrative tracking tools that work for your staff
- Intentionally building an organizational culture that reflects your mission
- Research
- Conversion to worker ownership
I volunteer when I feel a situation calls for it, or I can afford it. Otherwise, I offer a sliding scale for paid work. I’m generous and (unfortunately) I also have to pay rent and all that. If you need help, I’ll usually find some way to make it work. I've made a commitment to a healthier and more just future through ongoing independent, and interdependent projects.