Devin Weaver
Devin has been working and volunteering for nonprofit advocacy organizations since 2002. He has worked with large institutions, as well as local community-based projects, and co-founded multiple Oakland-based groups. His administrative work has consisted of social systems theory and analysis, project modeling and testing, educational curriculum development, as well as administrative process construction and implementation. On the ground, he has organized youth and community members around issues of environment, participatory democracy, media cultural misrepresentation, mass incarceration, and worker rights. He completed a master’s degree in Nonprofit Administration at USF in 2014. Devin holds a life-long passion for social justice and a hardline resistance to plutocracy and the erosion of the public sphere. He views the different manifestations of injustice, not as isolated problems, but as varying iterations of imperialism and corporate abuse. His first-hand experience with the difficulty of group dynamics in organizing, even amongst individuals strongly committed to a common cause, led him to found Dynamic Praxis. He believes that now, more than ever, we must find ways to navigate tension and disagreement within our various struggles for liberation that promote growth, restoration, and refocused commitment toward systemic change. |